R&SD Technology | Giving life to your geographic data

Giving life to your geographic data

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is about modelling reality to make it easy to understand.

GIS enables complex phenomena or behaviour analysis, with focus on geospatial aspects.

As IT & GIS partner in R&SD network, R&SD Technology has become a key player in the design, integration and maintenance of Geographic Information Systems.

Our Expertise


Customized Solutions

R&SD Technology advises you on your suitable GIS solution and accompanies you through all the phases of your project, from data gathering/analysis to project development and deployment, with implementation of quality indicators and management processes. With integration of statistics and reporting tools, this helps you to make better decisions. With no hidden costs, our solutions are tailored to your business.

IT & Business Skills

R&SD Technology has a long experience through its IT department in analysing, modelling and architecting various IT infrastructures. We add value to your geographic data, managing them into strong IT solutions.

We are primarily expert in open-source products like: GeoServer, MapServer, MapStore, OpenLayer or Postgis solutions.

We have both proven technical and business knowledge in various areas such as: agriculture, forestry, land management, utility, etc. which helps us to understand your need and ensure better quality. R&SD Technology also supports sustainable development projects, particularly in the field of environment and is involved in the sector of development aid in African countries.

Quality and Precision

Backed by its experience in developing and integrating GIS systems, R&SD Technology delivers quality verified software through well-defined processes. From data gathering to integration and from coding to delivery, quality is of primary importance. This task is round off by our business and technical knowledge.

We also promote the use of Agile methodologies like SCRUM for the conduct of projects to meet customers unplanned change requests and new needs.

Innovating for the present and the future

by R&SD Technology for You

Advanced Technology

R&SD Technology uses the latest technologies in the open source market and adds innovation, enhancement to meet its customers need. R&SD Technology WebGIS solutions include editing, reporting and advanced geometries conflict resolution tools. Current R&D activities focus on mobile solutions integrating augmented reality and machine learning system.

We also work on improved UAV data capture and 3D modeling processes.

Skilled Engineers

Our team is formed of talented and experimented Engineers and Business Analysts. We track in a daily basis major innovations in the GIS market and IT technologies, and actively contributes to enhance the range of GIS functionalities offered by these solutions. R&SD Technology also invests on cross platforms solution, refactoring and modernisation of existing applications, incorporating up to date GIS standards. Combining our experience and vision we are developing our GIS Framework, designed for WebGIS applications including advanced functionalities like data layer edition and data processing.

Responsible World

At R&SD Technology, we believe that technology is about shaping a brighter and better future. By helping people and organisation, here and in emerging countries, to beter manage environmental issues through efficient and affordable GIS and IT resources, we are trying to put this idea into practice.


Some of Our Projects


WebGIS Application for the management of agricultural land parcels for the Government of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. This application is part of the « Integrated administration and control system (IACS) », which enables the monitoring and efficiency of the support granted to farmers by the EU, under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).
Customer : Ministère de l'Agriculture, de la Viticulture et de la Protection des consommateurs and Centre des Technologies de l’Information de l’Etat.



WebGIS Application for the management of agri-environmental measures for the Government of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. Agri-environment measures are designed to encourage farmers to protect and enhance the environment on their farmland. They are co-financed by the EU and the Member States.

Customer : Ministère de l'Agriculture, de la Viticulture et de la Protection des consommateurs and Centre des Technologies de l’Information de l’Etat.



Consultancy missions for the provision of IT, GIS and Internet services for the University of Kisangani, Democratic Republic of Congo.

Customer : FORETS project - Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), financed by the European Union (EU). R&SD sia


Contact Us


Contact Us

You have an idea or a project that you want to discuss, let us know and we'll get back to you soon: contact@resynde-tech.com

Your primary contact in R&SD Technology:

Managing Partner - General Director : Philippe VERON

Managing Partner - Technical Director : Aurélien JAMES

Find Us

We'll be pleased to receive you in our office in Luxembourg:

6, rue d'Arlon, L-8399 Windhof, Grand-Duché de Luxembourg

+352 27 99 59 46

E-mail: contact@resynde-tech.com